Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How to raise multilingual children?

This is a good question and there are several opinions. 
Multilingualism can be an option for some families. But for other families multilingualism is just a way of living and it comes naturally.
The most important thing, from my point of view, is to expose children as much as possible to the languages you want to teach them. Something like learning by immersion. Nowadays it´s easier then ever. There are lots of YouTube videos where you can enjoy together songs, movies, animations, music. You can also find bilingual books in the libraries or order them over the internet. Find some friends that share the same interests.
The truth is, you raise a bilingual or multilingual baby the same way as a monolingual baby -- you talk to them!

If you are looking for advice on how exactly do it, you can find more here:
Also I would like to share a few links to other blog entries I have read lately, just to show you may not be the only one concerned about this:

This is the reason why I will post on this blog songs, poems, rhymes, stories, fairy-tales and other material that my children have learned in Kindergarten, at home, or that just seemed interesting to be shared. The posts will be made in English, German, Romanian and Hungarian, sometimes also French, and with the help of my friends other languages too.
Feel free to comment and join our community of multilingual children and parents :)

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